Refund Policy

What is a refund?

When a student has technical difficulties on our app/website that prohibit them from attending a course, does not receive the resources promised in the course, or purchases one course instead of another, they have the opportunity to request a refund at Veritas Academy. This refund request will then be verified by our team to confirm its validity and legitimacy.

Refund Request Procedure: If you paid for an individual/bundle course, you may request a refund within 48 hours after your payment.

How to Request a Refund:
Please follow these instructions on a computer to initiate a refund request:

• Call our customer service hotline at +8801896037201 between 10 AM and 6 PM and provide the email address or phone number linked with your Veritas Academy account and course purchase.
• Our customer support representative will text you a refund request form. You must fill out this form with the necessary information about your purchase.
• Please keep in mind that refund requests are only acceptable if you contact us by phone at +8801896037201 within 48 hours after making the first transaction. The email address and phone number used during the registration procedure must be specified clearly.


Important Note: 
Refunds for subscription-based courses are not available if the refund request is made after the class for that course has begun.

Refund Processing: 
If Veritas Academy successfully processes and approves your refund request, the refund will be sent to the same payment method you used for your purchase, or it may be issued in the form of a voucher. This process usually takes 7-14 working days.


Once the refund has been processed and confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation. If you have any other questions or concerns about your refund, please contact our customer support at +8801896037201.

When will the refund be applicable?

  • In the event of a mistaken purchase or if the student wishes to purchase another course, a voucher can be used to transfer to another course. If the price of the new course is:

More than the price of the purchased course, the user must pay the difference to Veritas Academy using their preferred payment method.
Lower than the purchased course, the user will receive a refund from Veritas Academy via the payment method used to acquire the course.

  • If Veritas Academy fails to offer the resources promised in the course.

When will the refund not be applicable?

  • If you requested a refund after 48 hours from the date of purchase.

  • When you request a refund, the refund process begins. As a result, if you finish an activity/class during the refund process and continue with the course, you will not be eligible for a refund.

  • You will not be eligible for a refund if you complete or attend a class before requesting the refund.

  • If you have purchased a subscription-based course and class for that course has started.

When you request a refund, what happens?

  • Your registered course will be on hold when you submit a refund request. Veritas Academy will contact you via SMS if your refund request has been accepted within 3 business days after receiving it. After a refund request is approved, you will be withdrawn from the course and your student information will be deleted. If you want to repurchase the course, you must start from the beginning.

  • After requesting a refund, payment can take up to 7-14 business days to be deposited to your account. Please call us at +8801896037201 if it has been more than 14 working days.

  • You will receive a confirmation email/SMS to your registered email/phone number once the refund has been processed.

  • VA has complete authority to modify the terms and conditions at any moment and in any situation.

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Veritas Academy Trade License: TRAD/DNCC/061925/2022